What is the single most pressing issue facing Fairfax County?
The single most pressing issue facing Fairfax County is the need to hold our political representatives accountable.
I’ll work to repeal the 30% pay raise and county cars supervisors gave themselves. At the same time they’re raising their own pay, they’ve allowed taxes to go up at 3 times the rate of household incomes.
I’ll bring people of different backgrounds, experience, and viewpoints together to find real solutions to our problems. Many proposals are never discussed by the Board, simply for lack of a second. With no discussion, the press doesn’t cover them and residents never hear about them. I’ll bring the diversity of opinion we need on the board and get those proposals on the record.
What are the critical differences between you and the other candidate seeking this post?
Neither my wife nor I were born in this country, we are Americans by choice. We came here with nothing, struggled, and sacrificed to provide for our family. I started as a pizza delivery guy. But, together, Nadia and I have built several successful small businesses.
There’s nothing wrong with being born to wealth, as my opponent was. It just gives him a different perspective than mine.
My background has reinforced the idea that you can achieve anything if you’re willing to put in the work … that being better as a person, an employee, a student or a business owner first and foremost requires accepting personal responsibility … and that the real secret to America’s greatness is people caring for, and serving, one another.
My opponent is endorsed by the Commonwealth Attorney and the same members of the Board of Supervisors who raised their own pay 30% while boosting our taxes, who allowed our police force to lose nearly 300 officers, and who refuse to hold administrators accountable for deficiencies in our schools.
My opponent seems like a good man who will get along well with the overwhelming majority of the sitting supervisors. I’ll be different. I’ll work with those who care about fixing the real problems confronting our families, and rock the boat when other supervisors promote personal or ideological agendas ahead of the needs of residents.
Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.
Fighting Crime: I’ve been endorsed by the VA Police Benevolent Association because they know I’ll stand with them in fighting crime. I will work to fill the nearly 300 vacancies that currently exist in the Fairfax County police department. I’ll find ways to hold our Commonwealth Attorney responsible for prosecuting criminals. Too many of our children are being poisoned by fentanyl and other drugs. I’ll work to bring more drug rehabilitation
resources to our county, crack down on gangs, and get tough with those who sell drugs.
Improving Schools: The Board of Supervisors provides more than 50% of the public school budget, but fails to hold accountable administrators for the failure of our schools. SAT scores in our county are 27 points lower today than before Covid — far worse than the statewide average. I’ll insist our schools set aside social experimentation that is turning our children against society, and instead focus on preparing them to compete against the best students in the world. Instead of penalizing merit, we should reward it. And rather than discouraging parental involvement, we should aggressively pursue policies that encourage parents to be more involved with their children’s education.
Economic Development: Fairfax County’s proximity to the federal government, the Pentagon, and America’s major national security infrastructure makes us ideally suited to become the capital for development of Cyber Security and AI technologies. I’ll promote a plan that brings companies involved in cyber and AI to Fairfax County.
Traffic and Planning: We need to do a lot better job of easing traffic congestion in our neighborhoods and business areas. Building more condos and apartments without providing adequate infrastructure and roads is selfdefeating and reduces the quality of life for all our residents.
Affordable Housing: I support affordable housing, but the first priority should be workforce housing so teachers, police, and fire-fighters can live closer to the communities they serve rather than having to commute from surrounding counties, or even other states like Maryland and West Virginia.