Fairfax County Supervisors Promote a Plan that Hurts Everyone … Except Them Supervisors protected themselves with a $2,500 per month pay raise
If you’ve followed my blog posts, then you have already heard about the 18 lucky families out of more than 50,000 families in our district who will be randomly selected to receive a cash payment of $750 per month.
I tried to answer how they justified giving only 18 randomly selected Dranesville Families a pittance while giving themselves $10,000 per month for a part time job.
Here’s another question we ought to be asking?
Where is the $1.8 Billion coming from to pay for the program when it’s rolled out to the other roughly 200,000 Fairfax families who qualify?
It can only really come from one place. Higher taxes. That new spending would mean an increase in our local real-estate taxes of more than 35%.
It would mean the costs for permits and licenses would increase. It means personal property taxes would go up. And it means local sales taxes would have to go up as well.
But here’s the other thing. With an additional $1.8 Billion being spent by local consumers on things like gas, groceries, and rent; then prices for those things will also go up. That means inflation.
And those prices would go up for all of us, not just the lucky families who get the $750 in taxpayer funded monthly cash.
Many economists expect prices could go up by as much as 10% per year or more. That means if you work 40 hours a week now, you’ll have to work at least 4 hours more each week to enjoy the same standard of living.
Or, your employer would have to increase your pay by 10% just so you and your family could stay at the same place economically.
How many small businesses do you think might move to other places when that happens? And how many jobs will those businesses take with them.
If county politicians truly want to help raise the incomes of Fairfax County residents, I’m all for it. Count me in.
But if they want to raise the incomes for a few by driving everyone else’s standard of living down, forcing job creators to flee to other counties, or requiring hardworking families to work harder just to stay where they are at, then I’m going to fight them tooth and nail.
In fact, the only people their plan doesn’t hurt is themselves. Because they are already protected with the $2,500 per month in higher pay they voted themselves.
We have a word for politicians who use tax money to benefit themselves while hurting those they are sworn to represent. We call it CORRUPTION. We need to repeal their 30% pay raise of $2,500 per month.
And we need to demand a better approach to raising incomes for our families that doesn’t reduce jobs, increase taxes, or raise prices.
We’ve done it before. We can do it again. We must.