Supervisors Give A 30% Payraise To Themselves; and Huge Tax Hikes on Homes, Personal Property, and Vehicles To Us
Big inflation drives up taxes, but Supervisor’s salaries go up 6 times more.
Car taxes are up in Fairfax County by 15.5% this year. Sales taxes are up.. Property taxes are up too – way up. In fact, taxes in Fairfax County are up on everything that moves and most things that don’t.
It all increases the financial burden of families struggling with higher prices.
Yes, inflation plays a part. But the truth is that property taxes are growing 3 times faster than household incomes.
Well, 3 times faster than YOUR household income. Not their’s. Because supervisors voted to give themselves a 30% pay raise.
On average it’s $30,000 in higher pay for them, and it means their pay is going up an average 6 times MORE than your pay.
County supervisors also gave themselves new perks like tax paid cars for personal use.
I’m convinced there’s a huge majority of voters in Fairfax County who just want their money’s worth from local government — good schools, safe streets, less congestion, clean water, great parks. I call them the forgotten middle because they don’t care about far out ideological agendas.
I’m running for Supervisor because I’m tired of the forgotten middle being, well, being forgotten.
My promise is that I will always tell you the truth, and I will never forget I work for you.
Thanks for reading.
There’s a forgotten middle in Fairfax County – neither right nor left – who just want local government to work again. Join our campaign by clicking the “Sign Up” button below. Thanks!